No matter how old you are, moving is overwhelming. Even if you are just moving house within the same neighborhood or city, the whole idea of packing up, loading up and transferring all of your belongings to a brand new location can take a lot out of you. For grown-ups, the best decision that can be made is to work with local moving services in Massachusetts that can take care of everything from start to finish, providing professional packing supplies and services for residential moves. Whether you are moving within the South Coast area or if you are moving to another state in the northeast, you can count on the professional movers in Yarmouth, MA at Statewide Moving Company to help make it happen.
Focus on the Positive
One of the best ways to get your kids on board about making a move is to put the focus on the positive aspects of the move. For example, talk about friends or family that will be closer at the new location than the current; new opportunities for school, play or hobbies; local offerings, such as parks, kids’ programs, libraries and other places of interest; as well as improvements to the size of bedrooms, ability to have their “own room” at the new place, etc. When you give your kids something to look forward to regarding the move, it will make leaving the home that they grew up in or where they met their best friend, first boyfriend or girlfriend, joined the football team, etc. won’t be as difficult.
Home Sweet Home
Another great way to get kids okay with the idea of moving is to get to the house before they do and put some of their things in it to help make it feel more like home. If you are unable to complete the entire move without the kids in tow, at least try to get there and put a favorite stuffed animal, toy or something else special inside their room. That way, when they arrive at the new home they will see something familiar in the new setting to help make the transition go much more smoothly.
Consider hiring moving services in Massachusetts to take care of the entire move for you. They can bring professional packing supplies to your home to pack up anything you haven’t packed already, load it onto the truck and move it to the new location. You can do this while the child is gone for the weekend at a grandparent’s house, during the day while they are at school or plan it in some other fashion so they won’t be there for the actual move. In fact, Statewide Moving Company can help you have a worry-free experience too, taking care of all the details to help you create a new home for your family without all the traditional stresses of moving.
You can also take pictures of the new house or apartment so they can see ahead of time what the new place will look like. This helps them to become familiar with it so they will know what to expect. A child’s imagination can be a wonderful thing, but when they are anticipating something new and scary – like a move – it can take them to a place of fear. Seeing where they are going – pictures inside the structure and out, as well as photos of the surrounding area – can really help them to know that it’s going to be okay much better than just telling them about it.
Talk About It
Younger children might not be able to express their anxiety about making a move, but older children can with some encouragement. If you see that your child is anxious, ask them about what they are worried about. It could be about moving away from neighborhood friends, changing schools, leaving the old house and all the memories of it or a fear of having to make new friends in a new location. Don’t point out those ideas to them, because if they haven’t thought of them yet they just might start, but ask them what they are thinking and let them lead the conversation.
Get Them Involved
Some children will feel better if they can be part of the process. When you decide to work with professional movers in Yarmouth, MA or anywhere in the South Coast region for your local, statewide or interstate move, talk about having professional packing supplies delivered to your home ahead of time so you can do some of the packing yourself. You can still have the movers come in and take care of difficult items, such as flat panel TVs and grandma’s china tea set, but having the supplies there can help get the children involved.
Invite them to pack a special box for the move that will help them transition. Let them include all of the things that they will need to feel like home at the new place right away. Encourage them to fill it with their bedding, pillows, favorite sleeping stuffed animal, slippers, pajamas – anything that they can unpack that first day that will help them settle into a comfortable bedtime routine at the new house. Let them label it, decorate it and just really make it their own. If you think they would benefit from it, consider having them there with the moving services in Massachusetts show up to load the boxes. Some children, in particular younger children, really enjoy watching the crew load up all the boxes into the big truck.
Contact Statewide Moving Company for a Worry-Free Experience
Moving can be stressful for each member of the family, but it doesn’t have to be if you let Statewide Moving Company take on the burden of packing, loading and moving your belongings for you. Give us a call at 508-620-6411 to find out more about all of the services that we provide for residential and commercial clients. Our team can help you have a smooth transition and a happy move for everyone involved.
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